Validity of g- Qualities

In THEE inquiry, architectural correspondences have been progressively discovered. These play a significant role both in discovery and in validation. Two principles, Monad CorrespondenceGrouping Correspondence, were used to assist in finding relevant qualities for the Vehicles of Goodness, as explained below. Click on Technical Explanations to see an elucidation of these principles.

Qualities in Producing Goodness-RsH"

Have Great Dreams: g7 = Expectantly

«Expectantly» refers to the possibility of fulfilment of personal hopes for humanity that are assumed to be shared with others. Shared mutual expectations can contribute to the realization of a dream.

In this case, and unlike at lower Levels, there is no further internal testing, because RsHG717 is the only internal Level with this g-qualitysee diagram.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Willingness-PH7

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Unification-R"G17


Exercise Vitality: g6 = Wholeheartedly

«Wholeheartedly» refers to giving oneself completely to the experience i.e. without reserve, without resistance, without negativity.

As well as qualifying the topmost components of the two Vitality Hexads, the wholeheartedly qualifier must also suit the 6th internal Level (g6) of the Heptad: which is submit—and it does.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Experience-PH4

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Submission-R"G16


Attain Equanimity: g5 = Creatively

«Creatively» refers to the persistent application of positivity, imagination and personal will-power to situations.

As well as qualifying the topmost components of the three Empathy Tempers (Pentads), the creatively qualifier must also suit the 5th internal Level (g5) of other Groups. That means:

  • in the Heptad, creatively must apply to the exertion vehicle.
  • in the two Hexads, to the exertion & submission vehicles.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Change-PH3

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Exertion-R"G15


Build Character: g4 = Thoughtfully

«Thoughtfully» refers to the use of dispassionate inquiry and reflection with no input from crude self-interest.

As well as qualifying the topmost components of the four Authenticity Tetrads, the thoughtfully qualifier must also suit the 4th internal Level (g4) of other Groups. That means:

  • in the Heptad, «thoughtfully» must apply to the helpfulness vehicle.
  • in the two Hexads, to the helpfulnessexertion vehicles.
  • in the three Pentads, to the helpfulness, exertion & submission vehicles

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Inquiry-PH2

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Helpfulness-R"G14


Overcome Pain: g3 = Spontaneously

«Spontaneously» refers to a tendency to recognition and activation as the good and correct path without more than a split-second's thought.

As well as qualifying the topmost components of the five Healing Triads, the spontaneously qualifier must also suit the 3rd internal Level (g3) of other Groups. That means:

  • in the Heptad, «spontaneously» must apply to the knowing vehicle.
  • in the two Hexads, to the knowing & helpfulness vehicles.
  • in the three Pentads, to the knowing, helpfulness & exertion vehicles.
  • in the four Tetrads, to the knowing, helpfulnessexertionsubmission vehicles.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Action-PH1

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Knowing-R"G13


Find Strength: g2 = Conscientiously

«Conscientiously» refers to the responsible application of careful thought so that your actions are likely to produce goodness.

As well as qualifying the topmost components of the six Self-control Dyads, the conscientiously qualifier must also suit the 2nd internal Level (g2) of other Groups. That means:

  • in the Heptad, «conscientiously» must apply to the aspiration vehicle.
  • in the two Hexads, to the aspiration & knowing vehicles.
  • in the three Pentads, to the aspiration, knowing & helpfulness vehicles
  • in the four Tetrads, to the aspiration, knowing, helpfulness, & exertion vehicles
  • in the five Triads , to the aspiration, knowing, helpfulnessexertionsubmission vehicles.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence: Communication-PH5

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Aspiration-R"G12


Apply Ultimate Values: g1 = Necessarily

«Necessarily» refers to the component being the essential foundation for the delivery of goodness.

As well as qualifying the seven vehicles-Monads, the «necessarily» qualifier must also suit the lowest internal Level (g1) of all of the other 21 Groups. That means:

  • in the Heptad, «necessarily» must apply to the enjoyment vehicle.
  • in the two Hexads, to the enjoyment and aspiration vehicles.
  • in the three Pentads, to the enjoyment, aspiration & knowing vehicles.
  • in the four Tetrads, to the enjoyment, aspiration, knowing & helpfulness vehicles.
  • in the five Triads , to the enjoyment, aspiration, knowing, helpfulness & exertion vehicles.
  • in the 6 Dyads, to the enjoyment, aspiration, knowing, helpfulness, exertionsubmission vehicles.

ClosedGrouping Correspondence:Purpose-PH6

ClosedMonad Correspondence: Enjoyment-R"G11


Summary of Components for each Qualifier

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Originally posted: 7-Jun-2013